My Fifth Tightening

Hi Guys!

Well, as you may notice, I have skipped a tightening in my headings. My apologies for this. I have been very busy this days due to work overload.

My fourth tightening was on the 9th December 2015. This visit went just like most of the others. I decided to ask the duration of my teeth tightening during my next visit.

My fifth tightening was on the 13th January 2016. In this post I will give you an update on how my fifth tightening went and generally let you know how I am getting on with them. So here it goes!!

How The Tightening Went
As always I got there and my ortho asked how things were going. I decided to wait until after my brace had been changed to ask questions about how long I had left etc. This time I told my ortho to change the color of my braces. He showed me various colors and we finalized to have a combination of blue and green color braces.

As usual he removed all my current ligatures from my teeth using a hook, then popped out the wire from its grooves in my brackets. He then told me he was going to use that in a flossing motion between my two middle front teeth and between my painful canine and it’s neighbour to try and give the teeth a bit more room to move. The whole thing took about 15 minutes in total I’d say.

This time I got a fresh and clean set of blue and green ligatures (P.S. it looked really cute ).

So, next came all the important questions. I asked him how much time it would take to get the braces off and he told me that everything has worked very nice and I’ll be able to get that off in 2-3 months. I was really happy to hear this. I asked him about when I am supposed to get braces in my bottom teeth. I got to know that my bottom teeth weren’t too haphazard and so it will hardly take 1 sitting to get that done. Yippee..!!

He told me to keep up the good work on the cleaning and to book another appointment for 4 to 5 weeks time. I went for 4 to try and speed this thing up haha.

I am still really pleased with the transformation since before my braces. A lot of the changes now are more subtle and I can feel them more than I can see them 🙂

I am still very happy with how things are going. Being able to eat pretty normally, and being in a lot less pain is a definite win. I am still impressed with the way my teeth are moving; even it is subtle to everyone else. I am glad my next appointment is only 4 weeks away and I’m hoping I can continue to book close together appointments from now on, but we’ll see 🙂 Fingers crossed they come off within the 2-3 months as planned!

Right, I think that’s everything…although feel free to comment with questions if there’s anything I haven’t covered that you’d like to know. My next appointment is the 10th February so I guess I won’t be writing again until then unless there is something specific I want to update you on or any questions that need answering 🙂

Thanks for reading! Speak to you again in a few weeks (promise it will only be a few weeks this time)!

Till then, Stay Wow.!!

Lots of Love,

Khayali Shah

{Instagram : Khayali29}




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